PAN: Planetary Awakening Network

Please forgive me if you receive several copies of this notice. I believe this network is quite valuable, and wanted to make sure members of all the lists I am active in knew about it.

For some time now I have been involved in an international association of internet based networks devoted to positive planetary transformation. It's called the Planetary Awakening Network, and I thought perhaps you might have an interest in participating. We currently have over 275 networks from 30 countries. Some networks are as big as several hundred people an others as small as 5 people.

If you are involved in conscious raising activities in the area of human relations, peace education, the environment, complementary health and healing, spiritual development, or planetary and galactic citizenship - and if you would like to connect and exchange information with others around the world who are involved in similar efforts, then your participation would be appropriate. There is no charge or cost.

Our association of networks is creating a beautiful web of light around the planet. As we get to know one another and exchange ideas, information and resources, we are creating a "synergy of service" to the world with One Heart and in One Spirit.

If this interests you, you can read the description at the bottom of this letter. If not, you can delete at this point.


Host of The Garden
ICQ: 7649155

What Is PAN?

The Planetary Awakening Network is an association of networks devoted to positive planetary transformation. We share an understanding that we are in the midst of a major planetary transition which is described in many ways by different belief systems. Western astrologers speak of it as the transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian age. This transition involves an awakening of a new consciousness which includes, but is not limited to:

* An awakening to the understanding of the inter-relatedness of all Creation, the fundamental unity of life, and the Oneness of Humanity.

* An awakening to our deep connection to Nature and the Earth as a living being.

* An awakening to the inter-connectedness and unity of the body-mind-spirit.

* An awakening to the understanding of our true potential as creators of our individual & collective reality.

* An awakening to the understanding that - perhaps - our greatest impact in the world has as much to do with who we are at the core of our being as it does with what we do.

There is a sense that we are in the midst of an "evolutionary leap" which involves, not only humanity, but all Creation and the Earth herself. Our intent as an association of networks is to link with one another for the purpose of becoming acquainted, exchanging information and exploring ways of working together synergistically to make this transition a gentle and positive experience for the highest good of all.

Participation in this association of networks is appropriate for all those involved in conscious raising efforts related to human relations, peace, health and healing, spiritual development, ecology and the environment and planetary and galactic citizenship - to name a few. In our communications we often use the term "light workers" in reference to those involved in these endeavors.

Purpose: The purpose of association is two-fold: 1) To provide an international communication network for the exchange of ideas, resources and information, and 2) To provide a planetary emergency alert system for light workers to be able to collectively use their interdimensional tools (meditation, prayer, ceremony, etc.) to bring about a positive resolution to specific crisis.

The Planetary Awakening Network came into being in April, 1998 as an international coalition of networks. The original purpose was to create an international emergency alert system in which participants could use their interdimensional skills to help bring about a healing to planetary crisis situations. From that beginning point it has developed as an e-mail based international communication network for the exchange of ideas, resources and information among those involved in some form of conscious raising activity as mentioned above.

Currently we have over 275 networks from 30 countries, representing over 85,000 people. Some of these "networks" are informal and as small as five people; the participant and a few friends - while others are large networks of a thousand or more.

You may register to participate in the network association by sending the information requested below to Although your full name, address and phone number are requested (for purposes of verification if necessary), your address & phone number will be kept confidential and will not be forwarded to other participants. Once you register, you will receive a copy of the current Network Directory. Additions will be forwarded to you periodically as new registrations are received.

Common Questions & Answers
Q: I don't have a network. Can I participate as an individual?
A. You may not have a large or formal network, but perhaps you participate in an ongoing group of some kind or simply have a circle of concerned friends who you would be willing to alert in the case of a crisis. If so, you could consider this as your network and your participation would be welcomed. We ask for a minimum of at least 5.

Q: How would I send something out through the Network?
A: Each participant is provided with the e-mail address of every other participant. This will allow you to send something out to all participants and potentially to their networks. You may also post a notice on the Network Bulletin Board which is sent out with each new set of additions. All that is requested is that you follow the e-mail guidelines which we have established.

Q: As a participant will I be required to forward information to my network?
A. Absolutely not! You always retain the right not to forward any information which you feel is not appropriate or not sufficiently important to share with your network.

Q: Are there different levels of participation?
A: Yes. There are three choices: (a) "Alerts Only" - Planetary emergency alerts only, (b) "Weekly" - A maximum of one non-personal e-mail per week from another participant, (c) "Unrestricted" or a willingness to receive any information anytime with the understanding that you may request removal from some ones list if you receive either too much info or info which is not of interest.

Q: If I find that participation creates too much e-mail or I receive unwanted e-mail, how can I disengage?
A: If you receive unwanted or too much mail from another participant, you can simply ask to be removed from their mailing list - and still remain as a Network participant. Or, you can change your "receipt of e-mail frequency" status. If you choose to drop out altogether, you can notify the coordinator and have your name removed from the list.

If you have other questions, send them to Michael Lightweaver at

Do You Wish To Register?
If so, complete all of the information below and e-mail to Also, feel free t to forward this on to others who might be interested.
Please Register Me As A Participant:
Full Name:
Address: (confidential)
Postal or Zip Code:
Telephone Number: (confidential)
Fax Number: (confidential)
E-Mail Address:
Size Of Network: (Please Indicate A Specific Number)
(the number of people you could contact directly within 12 hours, in case of a crisis, either in person, by phone, fax or e-mail.)
Project or Group Name:
Project Description: (35 words maximum)
E-Mail Frequency
___ ALERTS - I wish to be sent only Planetary Emergency Alerts.
___ WEEKLY - I wish to be sent no more than one non-personal e-mail per week from another participant
___ UNRESTRICTED - I am willing to receive e-mail from others with restriction, with the understanding that I may request removal from some ones list if I receive either too many e-mails or info which is not of interest.


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