How to love the Tron without half trying.


I am very impressed with these discussions!

I THANK AND BLESS ALL FOR SHOWING UP SO FULLY... And I do have some questions and feedback, but today I just have time to copy what I wrote to another list that was having simular 'banter' about ETs, spece, time, contrasting "stories" etc etc. .. and I wanted to share it with Dan's Beloveds herein... and William happens to be on that other list and was getting some reaction to his story that sent over there; however *I* am *not* reacting to William... I very much enjoy his info.

I am overall sharing a reminder to Self: (sometimes I react to reaction, though!)

Continuously I get turned off by these discussions, but I know I my challenge is to stay more present with the proccess and be more patient. *-ugh! can be hard for a 6-planeted Virgoan and then some )@(#*@)(#*">)@(#*@)(#*

But please let me offer my piece/ peace/ my PHI...

- in tracking Reality/ history/ who's story?

When we become like the Gods that we are, in Truth, we leave this fallen shadowed perspective of time and space and re-member Osirus, the illusion of Death and move into the wholeness of our being... we MOVE BEYOND DUALITY. Into another Time... the Garden gets bigger on the Inside.

There is only One.

The Divine Imagination made all this up! ALL OF IT... no thing is seperate from the stuff that dreamed up all this geometry, all these bodies broken down to be experienced, as love, in creation, as creation... .

I feel it is valid to discuss the different pieces of the story that have fallen asleep. But time and space and our science of perceiving it, is proven via quantum theory and Shroedenger's (sp?)Cat, to be SPHERICAL! *Thus, it is indeed all parts of the dismembered Self that we are putting back together again... so I am not against any one part of the story, and within each holographic model should be portals into the other parts, reflections of the Big Story... each Eye, each Center, each I, is the Holo/ whole/ Hole - both black and white holes - however I continue to witness how our linear-fallen-split-mind wants to categorize momentary pictures of Reality, as "The" reality, into linear *absolutes* - this is the sleeping mind that is scared of itSelf.... unsure how to surrender to the Infinitiy and it's ability to dedicate Power - direct Will and see that there is no mistakes, no sins, no missing of the mark, because within each parrallel possibility the mistakes like the fine-tuned Mythos of Our Story, perfects and perfects the complicated evolution of Soul... we can't NOT get it right.. because we set up the game.. do what thou wilst simply means if you take responsibility as an Eye of the All, then you understand that each I is the I Am doing itSelf as that perspective... when we begin to fully merge deeper into the spiraling platform that is a Curl, a Spin, we become what Is... no one gets lost but it does good to undream that dream for the purpose of completing a cycle, a spin, that may "seem" out of alignment, may "seem" to have forgotten.. but that is just what we are re-membering as a constant cycle of rebirth and strength. I think the strenth is part of the evolution of the matter+spirit-->Marriage. I experience Divinity as having accompished quite a thing to pull this off in density 3D time... where everything seems to be overwhelming in a split mind... and to fall into Golden Mean and be heard again.

Okay... I could go on and on. Just wanted to remind mySelf, ourSelves... that it is ALL True. To honor the center at each center as having uncovered and thus know it is a shraed redemptioin, a shared puzzle to fall again into the Deep Mystery... we cannot explain it as a 3D 'rational" scholar -- *only* but we can use myth and allagory and "science" to Point Towards Home. And then each brilliant snowflake shares it's appearance in Love.

Unity and Diversity, right?

I surrender as
the Be-jeweled Cosmic Eye
~Priestess of Divine Imagination

Angel Jewel of Morg*aph*dalen*is ... a temple realm,
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