Music & The Heart

Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 04:36:10 -0700
From: pegasus1

Hello Internet Friend and welcome. We are very glad you made it this far and we invite you to browse and get acquainted with our energy. After all, connections in cyberspace are often instrumental in changing our lives for the better - and we hope that will be true of us. We come in Light and are in service to the Creator. We share our love and understanding with all who seek greater awareness. It is no "accident" that you have arrived here. Our paths have crossed for a reason. It is our intention that the information in this page will add Love and Light to your life. If we can be of assistance to you in answering questions, sharing your concerns or uplifting your Spirit, please feel free to contact us. May you be in Love, Peace and Joy.


The heart chakra is the gateway to connecting the lower three "Earth" chakras with the upper three "Spirit" chakras. It is through the heart chakra that Spirit is grounded on Earth. When the heart chakra begins to open, then the spiritual quadrant begins to open as well.

How can the heart chakra be opened? Music and singing are one of the fastest ways to open and align the heart chakra. Singing or chanting for twenty minutes a day can do wonders. This is what bhakti yoga is all about. Loving someone or something (animal or garden) also develops the heart center. Focusing the giving and receiving of unconditional love allows the heart to open and expand. Love can take many forms, such as caring, understanding, forgiving, patience, or compassion.

When the heart chakra is opening, often energy blockages are felt. It could take the form of pain in the back or chest. We are all suffering from broken hearts, and as we allow ourselves to open and become vulnerable, we begin to get in touch with our heart pain. There will often be deep sadness and grief to be felt and cried as we begin to heal our hearts. We may have insights into why the sadness and the tears, but it is not important to know where the sadness is coming from - only to allow ourselves to feel it and let it come up for expression. As we begin to heal and align our four lower chakras, we often become aware of our fears, which can move into anger and then into sadness and grief, which can be transformed into love through our heart chakra.

When we open our hearts, we begin to feel the love and joy and peace. We will also feel the pain; that is all part of an open and vulnerable heart. We need to learn to detach from the pain and not attach to it personally. We allow it as just another natural emotion - no better, no worse than our other emotions. ALL of our emotions need to flow in expression and not be blocked or repressed. There is really nothing to fear from any of our emotions. If we accept and allow our feelings, they will quickly move through us. However, all blocked emotions, without exception, will ground out in some other way, such as through physical illness or violent outbursts.

So part of learning to open our hearts is learning to accept and allow all of who we are. To do this with grace, we need to be kind to ourselves. We need to be gentle and nurturing with our feelings and emotions. We need to treat ourselves as we feel a small child would want to be treated - with no judgement, just love and compassion. As we open our hearts, we begin to find out who we truly are. Our true essence emerges. And our true essence is LOVE.

If you feel drawn to contact us, we can be reached at:




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