--=The Twelve Phases of Consciousness=--

by John Randolph Price

If every student of Truth wore an identification tag, you would be amazed at the number and variety of people on the Path. The actor and actress you enjoyed on television last evening, the man sitting beside you at the lunch counter, the woman you passed on the street, an educator, a banker, a congressman, the owner of a retail store, a business executive, an insurance man, an attorney, a doctor, a psychologist, a scientist, a minister, a realtor, the salesman who called on you yesterday, the mother with the two children you saw in the supermarket... there is a good possibility that a man or woman you know by name may even be an Illumined One - a true Superbeing.

They come from all walks of life and their number is growing daily. I have found that people usually fall into several categories of consciousness, evolving from what is considered "Phase One" up to "Phase Twelve" - where the individual has so merged with the Power that you cannot tell one from the other. In describing these various phases I have covered only the basic characteristics of each level. I should mention that an individual may tap into the Power during his or her various stages and encounter experiences far above the norm for his present evolvement- such as a Phase Seven materializing form out of the ethers, an individual in Phase Three speaking the word for a healing in a highly critical situation, or a Phase One person experiencing psychic phenomena.

But even though there may be a temporary breakthrough into other elevations, for the most part the individual will remain in his or her state of consciousness until there is a "stirring within" to come up higher. This may come about as a result of a desperate need, or simply because the time is right.

However, it is not until the Sixth Level has been attained that a person can be considered a true Superbeing-based on our current knowledge of the evolution of consciousness.


A Phase One person may or may not have an awareness of his true identity - and if he does, it is only an assumption; there is no comprehension of the real meaning of this revelation. However, a person in this category may have a strong self-image as a human being, and even though his overall belief system may be faulty, he can on occasion"pull himself up by his bootstraps"and overcome handicaps and achieve a degree of success through sheer sweat, strain and personal willpower.

At the present time (1981), the majority of people are in a Phase One consciousness - regardless of how "religious" they may profess to be.


In Phase Two, the understanding faculty is beginning to develop on an intellectual level. You perceive and approve of the idea that there is a Power within you, another Self on a higher vibrational level, a pattern of Perfection that is the potential You, a Higher Nature that can be brought forth into expression. It is all still a theory at this stage, but there is much enthusiasm for reading, studying and exploring of new ideas.

There's interest in the techniques of self-actualization, mind dynamics, meditation, visualization and affirmations. Your mind is beginning to open and you are fascinated by your new discoveries.


The Phase Three person begins to feel subjectively that "Man's not all included between his hat and his boots" as Walt Whitman put it. But the primary emphasis is on what can be done with "mind power" - basically a mental approach with little superconscious or spiritual foundation. The individual on the third rung usually tries to give the impression of being a bit mystical - the "I know something you don't" attitude, resulting in an exaggerated ego and much false pride.

And when a Phase Three man or woman demonstrates a particular good, heaven help everyone within shouting distance because the experience is going to be told over and over again. If you can identify with this level, you know that you spend too much time trying to convert others to your "new" way of thinking with philosophical jargon that does nothing but turn people away. And you are retarding your own progress in the process. The key to moving past this stage is to keep your lips sealed and let the Power grow and develop.


The Fourth Phase must be entered into with great caution,because it is in this stage of consciousness that most Superbeings - in - training experience the greatest difficulty. In Phase Four, the Truth or spiritual faculty has been partially developed in your deeper mind, but is not ready for full expression. But because the consciousness tunes in at times to this illumined awareness, so-called miracles will occur, and there will be opportunities for magnificent demonstrations of the Power at work. At the same time, you may also find that your optimism is ahead of your understanding and errors in judgment will result, plunging you into the "how could this possibly happen" state of mind. It is not until the Truth Idea is fully manifest in consciousness that "miracle follows miracle and wonders never cease."


In Phase Five, an individual's consciousness is directed toward the good at least fifty-one percent of the time, i.e. the positive thoughts and feelings outweigh the negative. Now the clouds seem to part and more sunshine than ever comes into your life. There is more harmony, money is more plentiful, those old aches and pains are not as frequent, and things seem to be "right" in your life. The exceptional heights of sudden miracles and the deep valleys of futility experienced in Phase Four have passed, and there is more stability and order in life. The marvels and wonders indeed continue, but they are now recognized as the natural outpicturing of an uplifted consciousness rather than as supernormal. But there is a caution light on this level, too.

People on the path say that Phase Five is straight and narrow, and if the shield of protection from the race mind is not strong enough to ward off concentrated negative influences, the scales of your mental atmosphere may be tipped and you'll find yourself backsliding into the roller coaster ride of Phase Four again. It is during the Fifth stage that a firm and definite commitment must be made, a covenant with your Higher Self, an unwavering dedication to principle. In essence, you now take your vows to achieve mastery.


Phase Six is the beginning of mastery, a dying to the old consciousness and a rebirth into a new understanding of the cosmic power within. This consciousness knows only spiritual man, and is content to simply experience this joyful communion. Very little outer work is done during this stage, and is thus referred to as the "sabbath" by the evolving souls. When you reach this level, you KNOW you are the Power, but being a time of rest, the knowing is sufficient. By the Law of Consciousness, you experience harmony, but there is no strong desire to reach out demonstrate your realization.

The next six phases, Seven through Twelve, signify the evolving consciousness culminating in total Mastery.


As a Seven, you understand that you now have the power to establish a life of heaven on earth in this incarnation - and you begin to use the power accordingly. Creative imagination becomes a major factor in this stage and through it, you find the world shaping to your thoughts. You are quickly "placed" in work that is best suited for your talents and where you can experience the greatest fulfillment. There is financial security because you "see" all the money needed to achieve your purposes being attracted to you in abundant measure - and so it is. Your health is excellent, and your relationships with others loving and caring.

The basic thinking of a Seven is to get his life up to the standard of his highest vision, and to achieve the maximum degree of livingness. And while it sounds as though a Seven is completely self-oriented, it must be pointed out that this stage represents a greater degree of givingness than the others before it. Reason: A Seven knows that he cannot use the power for himself without decreeing the same good for all others within the range of his consciousness and beyond. So as he sees himself as whole and complete, he sees everyone else according to the same divine standard. This is "loving thy neighbor as thyself."


In Phase Eight, you know that your life is now in a more advanced stage - you are reaching wholeness in mind and body and your spiritual nature is in a higher degree of radiation. Your desires are fulfilled, so your attention begins to focus outwardly almost exclusively, and as if "by chance" people are attracted to you for guidance and counseling.

In this phase you have remarkable healing powers for another's body and affairs, but your effectiveness depends to a great extent on the receptivity of the individual being treated. For that reason, you usually will not attract those who knew you when you were living out of a lower-vibration consciousness. It is during this stage that you will find a new light on the ancient Truth teachings. This Gift of wisdom and understanding will enable you to develop a new way of thinking and teaching based on the EXTENSION of this sacred body of Knowledge, and you will spend much timeabsorbing these new concepts and preparing the "message" for the people of the world.


A Phase Nine person tends to "go public" with his Message. Here, your tendency is to attract a following for your particular teaching and miracle works. Where an Eight is more individual oriented, the individual at Nine is committed to service on a much broader scale. The founders of Unity, Religious Science, The Infinite Way, and other New Thought groups were most likely men and women in this state of consciousness, along with many other spiritual teachers and writers of the past and present who are making significant contributions to the uplifting of the race mind.


An individual in Phase Ten is an Earth Master, with dominion over matter and the forces of nature. He has the ability to project his spirit body and be seen at two places at the same time, and clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy and precognition are a part of his nature. Translating pure energy into visible form is another characteristic of a Ten. But it is interesting that as a soul passes from Phase Nine to Ten, he begins to separate himself from the masses and goes apart for a more solitary life of meditation and contemplation.

Even so, the Power of a Ten radiates throughout the earth plane, enveloping the world with a light of an illumined consciousness. Others on the path frequently "tune in" to the consciousness of a Ten, with spectacular changes occuring in mind, body and affairs. Thus the evolution through the various phases is helped considerably by these Earth Masters.


Phase Eleven is the stage for Universal work, not only on earth but in other dimensions as well. A Master in this stage of evolution is able to move from the earth plane to the realms beyond and return at will. While a Master Ten is concerned primarily with earth life, the Master Eleven is more universal in scope, working on both sides of the "curtain" - helping in the evolution of all souls. The Masters frequently referred to in occult literature and in the ancient writings are in this stage of soul development.


A Soul in Phase Twelve is a Master of Heaven and Earth, and as far as we know, the last Twelve on Planet Earth was Jesus Christ.

The great majority of the advanced trainees and the Superbeings themselves (Phases Six through Nine) - are living lives that appear to be ordinary from all appearances. They raise families, pursue meaningful careers, watch television, enjoy vacations, engage in social activities, and participate in civic and community affairs. But the more advanced they are, the less they talk about their abilities - so you can enjoy a friendship with one and possibly not realize that he or she is actively working with the Power in this life experience.

But don't be too curious about that strange neighbor down the street, or the friend who seems to suddenly have it all together. Even with a close watch, you probably won't see either one practicing psychic tricks or flying around the backyard. The only truly recognizable feature of an advanced soul is the feeling YOU pick up when you are around one. Intuitively you know that you are in the presence of a higher consciousness; you sense a love vibration, a deep sense of peace, a radiance not usually expressed by ordinary mortals.

(someone at Phase Five isn't any "better" than someone at Phase Three, just as someone who has been incarnate for fifty years is no "better" than someone who's been incarnate for thirty years.

They are all equally steps along the Path of reawakening. The person at Phase Five was once at Phase Three, and the person at Phase Three will eventually be at Phase Five - if not in this incarnation then in another.)


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