Gregg Braden Intensive, Los Angeles , Saturday, March 27, 1999

From: (Flemming Funch)

Living the Days of Prophecy:
Gregg Braden's Synthesis of Discovery in an Accelerated 9-hour Intensive.

Could there be a lost science that allows us to transcend prophecies, predictions and the great challenges of life with grace? Ancient texts, as well as modern science suggest the answer is a resounding, YES!

Ancient calendars remind us that our lifetime marks the completion of a grand cycle of change that began nearly 26,000 years ago: The Shift of the Ages. You are part of that change. There are many predictions, calculations and prophecies regarding this time. We may expect to witness great changes upon the earth as well as within our bodies. Ancient tools were left to you for this time in history, for the very purpose of mastering you life now. The tools are alive within you, encoded within you.

You opportunity to have Gregg personally guide your experience in realizing the tools and attuning to the Shift. A powerful 9-hour multimedia Intensive offered as slides, video, indigenous sound, ancient ceremony and true life accounts. Gregg takes you beyond 'Awakening to Zero Point', beyond 'Walking Between the Worlds' and beyond his many journeys to sacred sites.

- Rare slides & video footage of ancient temples, texts, & practices revealing missing links to modern technology
- Special new features of sacred sites never visited before
- Revelations of ancient calendars & mystery schools as merged into current language
- The gift of our engineered solutions while we become the technology

- Direct access to the creative forces of your body and the earth in this living universe
- Lost equations for the Essene Science of Compassion. Redefine fear and anger in your life
- Your emotion is your forgotten technology of change with key equations of logic and emotion
- Significance of indigenous tribal teachings to today.

- The direct relationship between emotion and DNA.
- The role of each relationship in your life as a vital key toward life affirming mastery

Your path is to awaken your truest nature and live that nature in the challenges of life.

Special Intensive Features:
- Shroud of Turin: Inspiring research and revelations bring new meaning and awe to this sacred relic
-Tibetan Treasures: Travel with Gregg to ancient sacred sites & witness remarkable discoveries in this mystic land.

Los Angeles: Saturday, March 27, 1999
Philosophical Research Society,
3910 Los Feliz Blvd, LA
Time: 9:00AM to 6:00PM

Price: $89 until March 20th, $99 after March 20th
Tickets in person: Bodhi Tree Bookshop, 8585 Melrose, 800/825-9798
Tickets by phone: Faxtixx's 800/992-8499
Tickets by mail:
Send date, # of tickets, a check, your name, address, phone to:
Park Productions
PO Box 55266,
Portland, Oregon 97238,
Phone: 503/299-4450



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