The Golden Grid Academy and EartHeart present:

Sacred Geometry, Coherent Emotion, & Heartbeat 2000

An Evening to HeartLink
Dan Winter

Monday, April 5 at 7:00 pm, $20

at the Earthways Yurt in Malibu

Address & Directions: Take PCH North from Santa Monica to Malibu - turn right on Big Rock , then take first left on Rockport - 2110 Rockport Way is the compound address - look for the yurt. PLEASE CARPOOL - it may be necessary to park on the PCH and shuttle up .

The Eartheart / Golden Grid Family shares a vision of a global meditation at the crest of the Millennium and is creating events and tools to actualize the vision and to Link our Hearts for a new global awareness.

Dan’s Heartbeat 2000 project was born in 1988 while experimenting with speculations in biofeedback and emotion. It was discovered that the Heart is the master oscillator of the body, and emotion regulates heart rhythms and heart rhythms regulate brain waves. The regulated heart, in harmony through biofeedback, entrains the rest of the wave forms of the body.

When the Songs Sung by the Heart are Harmonizing in the Golden Mean Proportion, or Phi, the Emotion created is Compassionate Love. This model arrangement is a perfected multi dimensional Fractal thus, according to ancient traditions, is the pathway to Unity.

This is proven and teachable with the HeartLink monitor... The entire power of the HEARTLINK is to help you SEE and EXPERIENCE directly how your heart is holding a feeling. Two individuals can hook up and learn to come into coherence - and soon a global audience will be able to hook up over the internet and experience a global unity in compassion to shift our planet into the next Millennium!

Join us, participate, play, and feel your heart have wings!

For Information call the Golden Grid Academy - Joel or Ione - at (310) 829-5883


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