Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 11:43:41 +0000 From: Dan Winter Organization: SACRED GEOMETRY &COHERENT EMOTION To: Jean Hudon


Your chernobyl of biotech notes are wonderful hope that the planet may choose to dump genetic food engineering.."frankenfoods", as you so nicely coined,

but they entirely fail to explain HOW genetic engineering of foods short circuits the free self-organization of dna magnetics preventing children from having sustainable magnetism songlines (soul)..

this is explained at

where I have put more links, today, including yours..

dan winter

(most key concepts have links at url)

I have been told that the scientists who have gene spliced up the (mucous forming) wheat in your toast this morning, along with soon the majority of your diet, consider 70-90% of the DNA they start with to be "non-coding". This essentially means, they see most of the DNA they hack up to make your food, as useless. This effectively means that if they do not see an immediate effect on the grocery store value of some chunk of code, to them it is useless. It may have taken a million years to get the context of that part of the DNA braid right by nature, but one millisecond computer mediated slice, and it is gone from your diet forever. This decision is most likely made by someone testing for next weeks payroll survival, as opposed to considering our next 7 generations genetic survival.

We would do well to carefully consider what this lost CONTEXT is doing to OUR DNA.

To begin our study I would recommend the book "Grammatical Man, Information Entropy Language and Life" by Jeremy Campbell. Here the author examines the question: as an information conduit, why does DNA have high "signal to noise ratio"? This means that the relative amount of noise or "coding mistakes" which emerge from DNA is incredibly miniscule, compared to the HUGE number of information transactions occurred repeated in translating DNA to RNA to proteins to people... No radio station ever got such a good batting average to acheive successful transmission of info across electrical spaces.

Now the author in this book comes around to a lovely answer to his own question. He says that DNA acheives such sustainable accuracy in such a large number of "bookings" is because of what he calls "context dependancy" or context richness. This means that there is such a large scale coherence in what codon groups are arranged in meaningful sets, that if one code comes missing, THEN IT CAN ALWAYS BE REPLACED OR LOGICALLY INTERPOLATED BY CONTEXT ALONE. This is kind of like noticing that large scale distribution of children across huge aunt and uncle families is possible because the discipline and embedding of relationships, ensures that all will be served and none will be lost.

Think of it like this, if you were a software person trying to debug a large mega program you would NEVER attempt to interpret the machine code. No you would go to the code groupings within the code groupings within the code groupings. Words within words within words are what makes waves nestable within waves within waves.

It turns out that another name for exactly what that author has called high "context dependancy" in DNA, is literally the word BRAIDING. In software this means C
contains assembler which contains hexadecimal which contains raw machine code. In poetry this means letters within words within sentences within phrases within chapters within books... The overall flavor of meaning ARISES BECAUSE OF CONTEXT. Now mechanically in DNA this means that the discipline of the braid within the braid within the braid, turns the fine thread of the codons, braided into string, into rope, into fat rope, into VERY fat rope. As a wave function this puts a little wave more and more embedded into wave within wave. In radio terms this puts a carrier wave inside an envelope inside a bigger envelope.

I wrote about this in the chapter entitled: Braiding DNA, Is Emotion the Weaver?

We have always known that Emotion directly affects DNA. Consider the simple example the if you were depressed this week your chances of getting a cold are very much higher. The cold virus is mostly DNA. What we now can understand is HOW emotion programs the DNA. We have shown that long waves in gland harmonics set up a pony tail braiding in the DNA, which responds like a slinky to heart phonons. The active sites which can receive the RNA to choose replication, in simple terms, just become struturally available to the physical space required to connect RNA to DNA... DEPENDING SPECIFICALLY ON WHETHER THEY ARE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE BRAID. So whoever made the braiding decisions IS the programmer of DNA's code. Glen Rein's article on his measured response of DNA wrapping to coherent EKG, was published in ISSEM after he and I discussed this idea.

So what does this mean?
Well, for one thing it means that the human genome project may not be such a key if we don't add info about frequency harmonics in DNA braiding.

William Pensinger in NM has measured signals propagating along the DNA helix moving faster than light. I now believe that when the ratio of carrier to enveloping in the DNA braid is by powers of the Golden Mean, the recursive adding and multiplying affects wave velocities thru light speed. This I suggest creates the superluminal wormhole which begins to move thru time. This brings us to the threshold of a spiritual language involving what parts of genetic memory survive lucid dreaming and death.

My friend Professor John Hubbard, University Buffalo Medical School, was developing a fascinating theory of aging. He essentially postulated that aging happened when DNA's core hydrogen bond became unstable as the "zipper function". Intertesting because right here would be the most charge dense linear accelerator if something were squirting very fast up the core. Geometrically this fits exquisitely. The codon rung place in the middle has been modeled as having a golden mean rectangle bond geometry. This spark gap COULD BE EMBEDDABLE. This spark gap could launch harmonics "in PHI knitly". This could be another flying finger: Pteradactyl.

So to put all this geometric interpretation of DNA into simple terms:

You braid the DNA recursively. It becomes more self referential and more self aware and more self organizing as a wave. The result is a superluminal squirt gun to launch light into the time lines. This (this author believes) is directly related to the SPIRITUAL CONCEPT OF SOUL. Collecting data, tingle in the DNA at the moment of intense emotion, appears to relate directly to the survival of memory thru the lucid dream, and presumeably the bardo (death). Now my suggestion for this article is that long term long wave coherence, braid embedding by recursion to maximally embed the shape of environment creates superluminal wave sustainability in DNA. This nourishes us spiritually in the birth of "soul force". When the long term context of braid coherence embedded in the world is chopped up and fractionated, I believe "soul force" bleeds.

Take a bee queen. She mimics the dance of each worker creating a complete map to the sweetness/braid in the land in her DNA. Eventually when the DNA braiding to embedd is perfect, the MAP AND THE LANDSCAPE BECOME ONE.

see Meaning of Grail and Honey of the Queens
Imagine breakfast where you wish to eat of the spin of the context of the land. You take spelt or quinoa or amaranth, rich and embedded with true millenia of embedding in the land. You soak them overnight in spring water in a non metallic charge holding clay container, in an altar of charge. In the morning you munch on these. You feel totally stimulated, no need for coffee. No need for mucous.

Now consider the opposite approach. You take wheat. You monoculture it for hundreds of generations, so the self-aware gene is screaming in pain at it's emprisonment. You then hack up its beautiful contextual DNA so it has lost all true electrical mapping of the memory of its catching the charge of the land in its genes as a map of context. (This is called genetic engineering.) Then you strip it bare of germ and husk so that most enzymes and minerals are lost. Then you bleach it so white that rats are too smart to eat it cause they know it will kill them. Then you store it in metal so that all life charge is finally gone. Then you add bad water and form it into something THAT LOOKS LIKE WHOLE GRAIN (cous cous or ) : PASTA. But it is not. Then you store that in more metal for more death of spin. Then you add more bad water, and boil it in the most fractionating microwave.

Then you wonder why your children have no attention span. Attention is how many waves can nest in one place into stillness. The fractionating of the "fractality" of our food could well be the death of us. Mucous is the report from you body that this food feels like "not-self".

If we continue to let those WHO DO NOT KNOW WHAT SOUL IS, hack up the DNA in our childrens food, then those children will lose their SOUL. I believe this lies in the physics of the braiding in DNA which responds to charge embedability. If the discipline of braid within braid which creates soul force is lost in our food, these will be less hope for our children.

Dan Winter #note 3/7/99
It is becoming increasingly clear.. ("under the pyramids" and new TRUE blood "Genesis of the Grail Kings" -by gardner, messeh/messiah means "of the reptiles juices" literally..).. more at that the original Niburu/Hiburu ANunaki ADAM AND EVE gene splicing on this planet WAS FOR MORE THAN JUST HACKING UP SOME NEW BORGS FOR GOLD MINING.

The reason they were eating gold powder (manna/spice/ormes) to implode their DNA (ringing in YOUR ears).. (and thus needed TAKadama..-borgs from orion) WAS... THEY FORGOT HOW TO GET THEIR DNA UP TO SPEED FROM WITHIN.

This required a glandular operation of INVERSION called COMPASSION.. to act magnetically on the DNA... from the inside out.. RESULTING in the ideal case... in DNA THAT COULD STEER ITSELF in faster than light.. travel (time penetration, lucid dreaming, bardo navigating, having soul memory that sustained thru death... in short the true upstart of the bumper sticker to the dracos: GET A SOUL..)

All this is told nicely in the story of the GOLDEN ONES..

The point being there was a much DEEPER REASON the Annunaki/Orion contingent had to wander back to a more gravitically fractal (Hopi called Earth's nexus real estate value of location "Peshmehten" which became the series: "Deep Space Nine") and thus fertile enviornment for getting self reference in the DNA up to speed..

THEY had looked hundreds of years into our future, and seen whole star systems beginning to fractionate/destabilize due to the inability of evolved genepools to INHABIT them. Essential, DNA's magneto force provides the skill to keep megnetic wormholes re-steering themselves recursively back into their own center. Thus the CENTERING FORCE we have called GRAVITY IS ACTUALLY THE cooking soup for self awareness. This is because self-reference magnetically WHICH CREATES GRAVITY BY MAKING CHARGE INTO A FRACTAL.. (and valence shells recursive and embeddable).. and SELF AWARENESS... ARE THE SAME THING..

Another more poetic way to understand this, is the Aboriginal way. Keep squirting your ecstatic gland magnetism down the songline wormholes, and MAGic your tectonics don't break up. Self awareness MAKES THE GLUE. This self organizing wave physics engendered by the skill to EMBED YOURSELF (the physics of "to inhabit"), was called "The SUBSTANCE OF WE" feeling. (Sufic: Doris Lessing's books.)

So the glue to hold the travel worms together superluminally (see the Dodecahedron in "Contact").. enables coherent wave fronts to return from the superluminal, UNscrambled. (MEMORY../information.. see INCUNABULA time travel..) Incunabula, Tantric wormholes and the bardo bridge, the antenna cocoon for human eros to produce shaamanic time tunnels

So lets make this ultra simple.
The local politics noticed that the whole dragon orion contingent genepool, was now:
-unable to travel in time without heavy metal (very un-cool)
-unable to keep long memory- thru death - soul
-unable to get fertile/sustainable immune system cooked up in offspring thru thymus radiance.. they (annunaki/magdalens dragon blood..) wandered BACKWARDS in time to find the place where the radiating wave of galactically propagating genetic chaos ORIGINATED!


Specifically, they realized that unless they could prevent some of the most cutting edge DNA in the galaxy from doing the stupid mistake OF PREVENTING THEIR OWN DNA FROM BEING FREE....

then whole gene line mag worms across the galaxy PROPAGATING FROM HERE...

would (to put it VERY simply).. LOSE THE ABILITY TO STEER.. itself..

The tru gold of galactic commerce is quality DNA. GOLD mining on Earth and elsewhere (using ADAM/EVE Golem) is just a little kindergarden primer lesson, in THE PRINCIPLE OF WHAT MAKES DNA SUSTAINABLE.. See Gold is useful just for a short time for self awareness, to learn the principle of embedding which is contained in its valence structure..

and: IS The ELECTRICALLY Fractal Symmetry of Gold Itself? The Key Principle of Alchemy in the Heart, However, if you should be so foolish, as to EAT THE GOLD POWDER as a mechanical way of imploding your DNA.. NOT FROM SELF EMPOWERMENT... (without doing the COMPASSION work it takes to sort/embed your OWN MEMORIES as in preparing to die but living..) then it is simple... YOU LOSE YOUR SOUL..
because your DNA can't keep making it's own recursion mag worms back into itself..

This in short, is the story of the invention of genetic engineering, on our planet. Frankenfoods, borg food, clones, etc... this is the galactic wormwood Cherynobl.. which costs whole genepools their lives! If those gene splicers who hack up our food's heart worm, HAVE NO CLUE WHAT MAKES DNA SUSTAINABLE AS A WAVE BY BRAIDING, then THEY COST YOU YOUR SOUL.

So the rest of the fairy tale is cute: They set up a hex series (based on hive mind) of radiant capacitors in a compound called EDIN (="spaceport")(the garden of eden). (hex fixes, pent sends). These prevented further biological aging at a cellular level while they got more gold powder. See the story of "the golden ones" at

Not only was the Hiburu (Niburu priest) alphabet simply the software tetrahedral vortex symmetry operations necessary to make DNA splices into a non-re-pent-ant non-imploding tetra helix, the soulless borg called GOLEM Tak-adams..(Takadama means borg or golem adam from Orion).. But the entire Sumerian glyph structures were nothing more than the optical waveguides necessary to focus light into the right cookie cutters to make sub cellular organelles (see George Merkel). This was a planet of gene splicers, pure and simple. But we the cooked up gene-pool might STING back up the worm. This is the angelic agenda..

They wanted to splice themselves back onto their own scion (=branch in bloodline=jon=john=grail) in order to recapture the SKILL TO MAKE ENOUGH GLANDULAR PASSION, to learn to braid their own DNA for themselves..

IF WE AS A CULTURE NOW CHOOSE TO BORG OUR OWN FOOD.. (imagine what the pissed DNA in ALL the wheat food being fed ALL OF YOUR CHILDREN is doing to the mag force in the species DNA... my blood is literally boiling for the tragedy to the children...) instead feeding LIVING FOOD to our children at MACdonalds.. AND learning the skill to EMBED from the inside out--compassion in the glands magnetism.. and thus learn to inhabit and steer waves outselves by intent...

Dan Winter 3/7/99

and the happily ever after possibility ?
so that you do not return this
lassie episode to the video store
for your money back..


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