I Am the Alpha & Omega here now - behold!    
I Am that I Am the Christ Bride ~~   
Enter my portals within portals ~~   
Radiant Braided spirals bridging   
the fifth sacred element   
and collapsing dimensions within itself.   

My Jeweled crowned eye   
stretches its wings of righteous vision,   
Spinning without -  I Am then, within.   

The Christ Sword of Life   
Merges the Mother/ Father Throne ~   
Dancing within my body.   

As the Gateway opens and   
forever expands,   
within the Void is God's sacred promise.   

Our hearts overfloweth with   
Eve's golden Chalice ~   
and the Grail drinks us   
to pure God essence.   

** The North fractal is this Holy Womb ~   
Sword in center   
 Chalice overflowing ... 
  Ankh of Isis blood spilling ~   
   the All of no-thing ~   
     takes flight and moves.   
Remembering Oneness.   

** Eastern sky continues the Fire Light Body   
Electric codes of light are   
the triumphed Elohim's intention!   
This cosmic fire is Gnosis, and   
Now it is the springtime of our glory ~   
the portal twists as the   
Lion lays down with the Lamb ~   
YHWEH's covenant remembered.   

** This continuous kaleidoscope   
always radiating from   
 central  Golden Heart Ratio.

The Rod of Justice lands on  
earthís core 12-pointed Star ....  
Mary's Shekinah blood   
beats the Shamanic drum.  

** The Sacred Tree yields Love's wisdom  
as Terraís sacred Jewel is replaced,  
in the Father's Crown.  
Oh Israel. Oh Israel.  
(Oh Children of  Most Radiant Light.)  

** The Dove flies over this Southern Rim,  
over the Mirror's into holographic tunnels,  
showing the Higher road into authenticity;  
Peace & Freedom feathers  
 spread out  
 across the land ... 
Summerís fullness is the Childís delight ... 

** Spiraling serpent-dragon, 
the all-knowing sorceress Power at Western Seas ~  
the Vapors yield Sirian cetacean oceanic worlds.  
Atlantis is atoned.  

**The Golden North South DNA braids  
through the omniscient Eye,  
as the platinum infinity 8th age  
stretches out East/West ...

*this braided Flame is the serpentís  
Return to Wholeness..   
the Elements dance all power  
and we recall Ophium's Pledge ~  
bending stars as Earthís zenith  
is restored ...

I Am the Light of the World  
Mirroring Radiant Truth & Courage.  
The elixir drinks our hearts and the  
Goddess lives in Pure Love.  

Shamballa Gardens re-membered.